Does your team have "Psychological Safety"?

Kimberly Douglas • Jun 16, 2020

“No twenty-first century organization can afford

to have a culture of fear."

Amy Edmondson, author The Fearless Organization

I have been a passionate follower of award-winning Amy Edmondson's groundbreaking work since I first read Teaming in 2013. I learned then about her powerful and compelling concept of "psychological safety", which she described as "a climate in which people feel free to express relevant thoughts and feelings".


I was again inspired by Amy (and wrote a newsletter) when I read Charles Duhigg's NYT article, "What Google Learned from Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team". Google realized that today's employees spend 50% more time collaborating than they did 20 years ago. 

Google's Project Aristotle was born. Over several years, the researchers analyzed 180 teams on a variety of variables - personality types, skills, backgrounds, etc. There was no pattern that indicated why some teams failed and some thrived. Then, they discovered Edmondson's concept of psychological safety "and it was as if everything suddenly fell into place".


In her latest highly-acclaimed book, The Fearless Organization, she makes a clear case for why every organization today competes on knowledge and creativity. Innovation demands a climate of psychological safety, which she defines as employees...

  • Feeling comfortable sharing concerns and mistakes without fear of embarrassment or retribution.
  • Knowing they can ask questions when they are unsure about something.
  • Trusting and respecting their colleagues. 

How do you know if your organization or team has psychological safety? A 2017 Gallup poll found only 3 in 10 employees strongly agree with the statement that their opinions count at work. Edmondson says: "If leaders want to unleash individual and collective talent, they must foster a psychologically safe climate where employees feel free to contribute ideas, share information, and report mistakes."

In my next newsletter in January, I will share highlights of Edmondson's leader's toolkit with three simple (but not always easy) activities that leaders at all levels can begin implementing immediately to create a more engaged and creative workforce. 


My goal is provide leaders at all levels with concrete actions they can begin implementing immediately to create a more engaged and creative workforce. If you would like to be added to my monthly newsletter, simply click here to join.


Amy Edmondson


"Edmondson’s work on psychological safety has been groundbreaking. Her blueprint on creating a fear-free culture is essential, she argues, for organizations to be able to thrive in today’s knowledge economy in which new ideas and critical thought are essential to success. She has also explored the concept of teaming in dynamic work environments, and demonstrated how cross-organizational teaming can impact the building of smart cities."

Read more about Amy's groundbreaking book and her award by clicking the link below or click her picture for a great brief 3-minute video.

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