What does ChatGPT think of team effectiveness?

Kimberly Douglas • Feb 08, 2023

"The collective wisdom of a diverse group of individuals is often superior to that of any single expert."     - Malcolm Gladwell, author of "Outliers"     

Perhaps like many of you, I was curious to learn more about the recently released and strangely fascinating AI program ChatGPT. This free program provides answers to questions, writes questions, and can actually have a conversation with you, all resulting from a compilation of data gathered from the internet using artificial intelligence. Now suddenly, a tidal wave of information is instantly available. I share my very interesting experience below. 

I registered for the service two days ago, and my first query was "Why is team effectiveness important for business?" This was the exact answer I received:

"Team effectiveness is important for business because it can lead to increased productivity, better decision making, improved communication, and higher job satisfaction among team members. This can result in higher quality work and greater success for the company. Additionally, effective teams are better able to adapt to changes in the business environment, which is crucial for long-term success."   Amazing! 

I then asked..."What data supports this position?"...and received this answer:

"There is a significant amount of research and data that supports the importance of team effectiveness in business. Some examples include:

  • A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that teams that score high on measures of psychological safety, dependability, and structure and clarity have significantly higher levels of productivity.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, teams that have high levels of cohesion and communication have higher levels of job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.
  • Research from McKinsey & Company found that teams that have a mix of diverse perspectives and backgrounds make better decisions and are more innovative.
  • A study published in the Journal of Management found that teams that have a high degree of trust and cooperation are better able to adapt to changes in the business environment, which is crucial for long-term success.

These are just a few examples, but there is a wide body of research that supports the idea that team effectiveness is critical for business success."

And finally I asked..."What steps can I take as a manager to achieve team effectiveness?" and received this guidance...

  1. Clearly communicate the team's goals and objectives: Make sure that everyone on the team understands the purpose of the team, what is expected of them, and how their work contributes to the overall goals of the organization.
  2. Build trust: Encourage open communication, transparency and honesty within the team. This will help build trust among team members and foster a positive team culture.
  3. Encourage collaboration: Promote teamwork and cooperation among team members. Encourage team members to share ideas, knowledge, and skills.
  4. Foster a positive work environment: Create an environment that is supportive, inclusive, and respectful. This will help team members feel valued and motivated to contribute.
  5. Provide regular feedback: Regularly provide feedback on performance, both positive and constructive. This will help team members understand what they are doing well and where they need to improve.
  6. Empower team members: Give team members the autonomy to make decisions, take ownership of their work, and be creative. This will help them feel more invested in the team and more motivated to contribute.
  7. Encourage diversity and inclusivity: Create an environment where team members with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences feel welcome and valued. This can help drive innovation and better decision-making.
  8. Continuously monitor, evaluate and improve the team's performance and dynamics: Regularly check-in with team members, analyze team metrics and address any issues that may arise in a timely manner.

And ChatGPT's parting words of wisdom..."Keep in mind that achieving team effectiveness takes time, effort and constant improvement, but by following these steps, you can set your team on the right path to success."


Helping leaders like you not only retain but also engage and empower your best resources is my passion...all resulting in higher-performing teams!


If you would like to speak with an expert with 25+ years of experience working with hundreds of leaders, then reach out to me for a complimentary consultation so that I can share customized tips - many of which ChatGPT outlined above - to address your team's unique needs. 

Wishing you and your team success,


P.S. If you find this information of value, I invite you to share this newsletter with your teammates and colleagues.

Would you like more tips, tools and techniques to help your team succeed in 2023? 

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